Saturday, February 23, 2013

Would you like to feel my pain?

I would love for people to be able to feel RA.  Just for 5 minutes.  Watch them try to do their hair, or lift a saucepan from the stove top, or bend down to do up their shoes.  Not because I'm awful - but because I find people so quickly forget your pain when you don't show many outward signs.

This guy is my hero.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thought for today...

Day Nine...

I admit, this was supposed to be titled "Day Eight:" - as anyone who knows me will tell you, 8 is my lucky number and it's pretty much the only thing on earth I am superstitious about! - but some stuff got in the way.  Let's rewind.

So the 12 Week Body Transformation is going great guns.  My arthritis, not so much.  But to the important stuff - I would like to sincerely thank Michelle Bridges for changing my life.  It's only been a week, yes.  But in that week (and one day) I have lost 3.4 kg.   THREE point FOUR KILOS - and there is no way I'm going looking for them again, those buggers are not to be found.  Now, I don't know about those of you reading this blog, but for my version of the 12WBT (diet, diet and diet - because my body is dodgy and quite averse to exercise), I consider those to be some impressive numbers.  Add to that my attending a wedding where I tried very hard to eat only the healthy stuff (but I won't lie, there wasn't much!), and I am even more impressed with my loss so far.  If only someone had given me the crucial piece of information five, even ten years (or fifteen, or twenty kilos ago), what a different person I would be!

Without meaning to sound like an evangelist, the thing that I like most about the 12WBT is that it's REAL FOOD.  No shakes, no rabbit food, no soup-made-from-vegetables-I-would-rather-bathe-in-than-eat - real food.  Yes, I live alone and yes, if I tried to make everything on Mish's nutrition plan I would have more leftovers than my freezer could hold - but it's delicious and filling and I don't feel as though I am missing out.  Do you realise how important that is in a diet?  For motivation?  For perseverance?  Clearly Ms Bridges does!

A friend of mine at work had been lamenting some extra kilos that had crept on recently, but had tried a number of diets without any success - because they were too limiting, too difficult, or just too depressing (let's face it - we were given temporomandibular joints to chew (or, if your RA is as mean as mine, to cause you great pain), my friends!).  I took her some of my leftovers - which I divided up into the prescribed 'servings' - and had a giggle to myself as she exclaimed "This cannot be diet food!  How does it taste so good?  You mean to tell me I can eat this AND lose weight?".  Another convert who will no doubt be signing up for the next round...

So as for the stuff that got in the way of scheduled programming... I spent the weekend away at a wonderful wedding of two of the most compatible people on this earth.  It was a lovely occasion in a truly idyllic spot - I fell in love with it so much that I am already trying to work out when I can get back there for a few days of R&R!  On the way home I visited a family friend who lost their house in the recent bushfires, which was a very humbling experience.  But the worst was yet to come.

Shortly after arriving home, I decided a nap was in order.  I lay down, shut my eyes and got a couple of hours of nanna nap in.  I woke up and felt a little average - a bit headachey and nauseated, but figured I was just dehydrated and it would come right with a couple of paracetamol, a big bottle of water and an early night.  Long story short, the rest of my night involved 3 paramedics, 1 ambulance and a night in the local hospital where they proceeded to attempt to diagnose me based on my very technical description of "my head wants to explode".  Lots of fluids (4 L I think, but I lost count during my passed-out period), drugs and panics later, they discharged me home to my own bed which wasn't too soon according to my hips - hospital trolleys are not made for RA bodies.  

Excitement aside, I'm still not feeling a hundred percent - but I am hoping another early night tonight and more water than my body can hold will make all the difference.  Here's to taking the good with the bad - and hoping for more of the former than the latter!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day One...

Well, wouldn't you know it - woke up this morning feeling like the RA Bus had decided to take a detour over my bed.  I had such big plans for the first day of my 12 Week Body Transformation, absolutely none of which involved starting the day in agony!  

After the pre-season fitness test yesterday, I was expecting some pain in my hamstrings (the sit-and-reach test I once smashed in high school was a part of the experience - let's just say my hypermobility is still doing it's thing, and allowing me to reach 17 cm past my toes!), which never arrived... instead it picked every joint in my body, including my TMJ.  Now, I love to talk - and my job involves a fair bit - but it even quietened me down a bit today.  That's saying something!

I must admit, despite less than 1200 calories passing my lips, I don't feel as though I've missed out.  I can say that on day one - ask me again on day twenty one, or fifty one! - but I ate delicious food, felt positive about what I'm doing and most importantly, didn't once think about stopping off at the kiosk at work for a Freddo frog, despite walking past it at least 20 times over the course of the day!

I also downloaded the Calorie King ControlMyWeight app.  I've never really been much of a fan of weighing my food and counting the calories, but I now realise it's a necessary evil.  The app is fantastic though, allowing me to plug in my calories in vs. calories out, and this was today's pictorial evidence (and remember, this is in spite of my feeling like moving may well kill me):

Yes, you read right.  NEGATIVE 1354 calories.  Go me!  This app is motivating me more than I thought possible, counting my glasses of water, tracking my exercise (thank goodness I wear my FitBit every day), and most importantly, telling me how many of my 1200 calories I've had so far.  The only thing that would make it better would be if it cooked dinner for me...

So, where am I at?  I feel good.  Aside from the RA (obviously, but we all know he's a cantankerous piece of work at the best of times), I feel almost 'cleansed' for want of a better word.  Revitalised.  I'm awfully glad I gave up the caffeine last July though - I can only imagine how rotten I'd be feeling if I was going through caffeine withdrawal AND calorie restricting!

One day down - eighty-three to go!

PS  I have a FitBit Ultra, which I don't think retails in Australia anymore... but I cannot wait until the next product comes out.  The FitBit Flex is a wristband (and comes in teal, yay!) that does all of the fab stuff the FitBit does, but automatically syncs with your iPhone to keep you on track.  How awesome's that?!  Bring on Autumn, I say - I've picked out my "You're awesome for being so dedicated to the 12WBT" present already!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Change your view, change your world

I have a gorgeous friend who lives on the Gold Coast - mother of two, wife to a very busy husband and overall top chick.  She has bitten the bullet and completed a round of Michelle Bridges' 12-Week Body Transformation... and looks incredible.  

So this is my promise to myself.  I will do my best to make this work - I know 12 weeks may not transform my body, but hopefully it transforms my perception of it and helps me to lose some of the kilos that are not helping my joints.  I intend to change my habits, change my outlook, change my life.  Change my world.

The journey starts here...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The RA Map

Check it out (and feel free to add yourself) here.

The idea is that it will allow people close to you to get in touch, and provide support to one another through the journey that is chronic illness.